Office Magazine

Brand Design

Sarah and I met through Instagram. She had become an influencer in her own right and had decided to change up her career path and start and new and exciting journey. She knew she wanted to follow her passion for planning but wasn’t sure where to start, so she applied for a job as a receptionist at a coffee company, but the truth was, she didn’t know where to start and didn’t even own a computer. Check out Sarah’s amazing story here.

Logo, Brand Sum, Icons, Colour Palette, Typography, Imagery, and Brand Guidelines

Office Magazine

Sydney, Australia

I’d not long been on Instagram and along came Sarah. She got in touch with me after resonating with some of my recent posts and we hit it off straight away. “I just knew we had to work together from the moment I saw you. – Sarah Charter, Founder of Office Magazine.

After a brief chat, we hit Zoom and I listened to Sarah’s story and felt not only her passion to connect with others but the need for it too. The need for her to help others, and the missing gap in the market that so desperately needs to be filled in order to bring office management up into the 21st century for newcomers and the existing office community.

Initially, Sarah wasn’t thinking of taking Office Magazine to the next level with brand design – but it’s a good job she did, I’ll tell you about that shortly. She just wanted to get her voice out there, to share what she knows so that she can help others.

Throughout Sarah’s adult life she felt as if she had muddled through, she’d never really used a computer and had never even opened Microsoft Outlook. And then she felt her calling. She worked hard, studied, watch videos after videos of tutorials to bring herself up to speed with the office world. It was hard but she did it. She absorbed every detail, discovering new skills all the time whilst searching for help with other difficult office tasks.

Sarah is an authentic and honest person. She knows what she wants and how to get there. She has worked so hard and found her calling to help others who struggle to work smarter in an office environment – rather than burning out and getting stressed.

Together we worked through the 6 stage branding process to discover more about her new brand, who it will be for, and what it should look and feel like. It was such an exciting and creative process for both of us! Every step was a brilliant new discovery – as you can tell this is exactly how Sarah works!

“I just let out a little squeal!!
You are incredible and this is everything I’ve dreamed of.”

Oh and you know I said it’s a good job she went for it, leaned into her self and took her brand to the next level… Office Magazine is now taking off and is being noticed by office advocates worldwide with collaborations from the likes of a very exciting business platform based in Denmark! How good is that!!!

“Thank you for seeing my vision and helping me get noticed!!!!”

“What can I say about Amy. Wow.

I came across Amy’s work when I was on Instagram. I had just started a new passion project and I’d just designed a brand myself. I had no immediate plans to hire a designer because this was a ‘side project’ that I’m not drawing an income from (yet). BUT, when I saw Amy’s work I knew that we needed to work together.

I scheduled a zoom meeting to discuss my project and I was guided through each stage of the project, and given timelines and pricing. I explained (well I attempted to explain) the idea behind my silly project and website, but Amy read between the lines.

I agreed in that first zoom meeting that I’d love to work together, and I paid my deposit.

I eagerly awaited step 1 to commence. Fast forward to the email that delivered my first logo concepts and I was blown away. Some of the things I was presented with were so clever 🤯

I made one suggestion based off these first designs (pretty much, I loved two of them and couldn’t decide so I asked her to merge the two) 😂

With the brand that was finally delivered, I see that Amy read my face, my excitement, she picked up on things I hadn’t said with words and somehow translated these into colours and designs on a page.

What I got is uniquely me, and I can’t thank Amy enough.”

Sarah Charters
Office Magazine