Brand Blueprint

Brand Strategy  |  Brand Design  |  Social Media Design


Every great brand needs a blueprint.

Your DIY brand has served you well.

It got your business out there. It brought you clients.

But that brand you threw together. That’s not the one you want to show off, is it?

If you plan to raise your prices and attract ideal clients then now is the time to elevate your brand.

Let’s ditch that basic brand, and evolve your business.

Your brand is the heart and soul of your business. 

We all love a pretty logo. But if it’s not working as a marketing tool, singing to your dream clients and telling your brand story, then it’s missing the point.

Design isn’t just about aesthetics. It’s about creating an identity that tells the essence of your brand.

It’s about how well you communicate your message, how people interact with you, and how you make them feel.

Why does it matter? Because sending out confusing visuals and messages are often ignored.

Your brand is the heart and soul of your business. It needs to have clarity and be memorable.

Your brand is a reason people choose you.

It’s why they come back.


What can a Brand Blueprint bring to your business?

It’s great to find new clients, to nurture existing relationships. It’s satisfying to deliver work to delighted people.

But do you know what’s just as good?

+ Upcoming your game.

+ Having complete clarity on your offer.

+ Loving your business and your work because your business is attracting the RIGHT clients!

+ Gaining referrals from your network and clients.

+ Feeling inspired by your projects, because they matter to you.

+ Converting faster because your brand and message delivers.

Lorna runs a fantastic PR communications agency. She shared this with me:

Working with Amy has been a joy. It was such a big step for me to start my own company and to then bring that to life in a brand sense was as scary as it was exciting.

I spoke to quite a few agencies before I was introduced to Amy and I didn’t progress with any of them as I just felt that I was a small fish in their pond and they didn’t really listen to me! Amy on the other hand cared from the beginning and was genuinely interested in my business. She listened to what I was saying, made sense of my thoughts and put them into a brand that looked and felt exactly how I hoped it would.

She was creative, timely and really lovely to work with. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to others.

Five Stars White

Lorna O’Neill, Founder of Surge Communications


Fancy a peek at the process?

The Brand Blueprint

When I create your Brand Blueprint, there are two phases, strategy and design.

I know. Everyone wants to jump to the exciting design bit. But I promise, your strategy sessions are the backbone of all of this. Great brands don’t happen by accident.

Phase 1
6 x 1-hour weekly brand strategy sessions:

+ Brand Discovery

+ Your Brand Promise

+ Brand Core Values

+ Brand Focus Workshop

+ Core Marketing Themes

+ Customer Journey

Phase 2
The brand design process:

+ Competitor Research

+ Ideas and Inspiration

+ Concepts and Tweaks

+ Final Logo Design

+ Social Media Graphics

+ Brand Blueprint & Brand Design


There’s loads more I could share (click here for ideas and a zoom brew)


Turn followers into clients

Sometimes your designs are muddled.

Or you can’t find the confidence or the clarity in your messaging.

You don’t need to have all the answers.

We just need to pull those ideas out of your head, and turn them into something tangible. Something irresistible.

By the time we’re done, you’ll be bursting with creativity and passion to bring your brand to the world,

A brand that not only sings your message but looks bloody amazing too!

“When working with Amy I knew that I needed to change how I presented and spoke about my business, my services had evolved and my brand didn’t match up anymore.

I now have a logo and brand guidelines that really reflect who I am, who the business is and the feeling that you have when working with me. I’ve applied these through my website too and it really has brought everything together in a cohesive way. Not only can I express what I do more clearly, you feel it when you look at my branding.

Some designers seem to use a template (sometimes unconsciously) and try to squeeze businesses into that. I’d checked your socials and samples (like I did with other designers) and saw you delivered really high quality finished branding along with a wide variety of styles.

I love my new brand, it’s much more me as well as being much more aligned to my services.”

Five Stars White

Jessica Adams, Success and Leadership Coach


This is your invitation…

Email me and let’s have a chat about your Brand Blueprint:

From £3500 +VAT

12-14 weeks


Ready to make some changes and get some results?

Get in touch and let’s chat about your brand design.